Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Don't BUG me.........(not intended to offend anyone)

I know it has been awhile so I promise to make this one worth it. I am getting ready for our HUGE convention in Salt Lake City!! WAHOOOOO! I am completely beside myself with stress, and also anticipation.

For today I want us all to discuss things that just absolutely BUG us! Trust me-- this can be very fun.

So here are my big gripes for the day:

1) Wal-mart lines: seriously people, you are busy at the same time every single day yet you only have two stands open and one of them is a new trainee? What the???..... My tip for you is to always check to see if there is someone in jewelry. They will ring you up there most of the time.

2) Again with the Wal-Mart: but my gripe is for the people that are there after 11:00 PM and have their KIDS with them. And they are always yelling at their kids to not whine and to shut it! Parents please, your children are TIRED and should be home in their bed waiting for the tooth fairy to come. Now there is ONE exception and that is people that go there at 5:00 but are still waiting in the TWO open lines to check out.

3) This will be my LAST regrading Wal-mart. But they took away those great music listening stations in the CD area. I like to know what i am buying before I Purchase it. Plus sometimes I am just chep and just want to HEAR a song and not OWN the song.

4) This is not about Wal-mart but many people that shop there. There is absolutely no reason to stand at the Guitar Hero station and play for three hours at a time. it is almost always a fully grown man, with several children that he keeps telling to shut up, plus it is after 11: pm (see above). Sir- maybe you should save some aluminum cans and buy one, or go home and read a book to your children.

5) People that DO NOT wash their hands coming out of the restroom. It is not like we dont know what you were just doing in there. But you can forget about all high fives and knuckle bumps for the rest of the day pal. My sanatized hands are off limits to you. Oh and leave the magazine at your desk please! What's next? Will you take in a picnic basket and make a day of it? You are not going for a drive in the country- you are going to the bathroom!!!

6) People that go to work when they are sick. SERIOUSLY? Because you are feeling ill do you think we ALL need to feel ill? (to my co-workers I know I broke my own rule this week but to be fair... I never threw up AT work!!!!!) :)

7) Ugly Parade floats- GASP! There is nothing worse (expect numbers 1-6) I am a director of a local Miss America pageant and our float this year is pathetic. I need to post a pic. Pieces have fallen off, broken, the float engine broke down in the first parade. One element is held on by a bungee cord. That right... a BUNGEE cord. I LOVE a good parade... but I HATE an ugly float.

8) Diet coke prices- UGH $1.39 for a small bottle now? It is not made out of gasoline is it? Maybe my blog needs to turn to my next attempt to go off caffeine all together. WHAT? did someone just take over my body and write that??????

9) people that smoke in cars with children in their car seats. Not that I would like it if they weren't in car seats...that is a whole other story. I don't care if the windows are slightly cracked. That just tells me that the smoke is just slightly going in your kids lungs. Adults have the right to smoke- I do believe that- however I do not believe in making that choice for the minors in YOUR car.

10) So you went to BYU- big deal. So you went to UTAH big deal. I dont care and I don't want to hear about the rivalry in every single conversation anyone in the state of Utah has. (BTW I did graduate from one of those schools- and i STILL don't care) Do you think anyone that went to an IVY league school ever sits around and talks about BYU beating the U or the U beating BYU? No- and you know why- because people DONT CARE! And I certainly do NOT want to see your stupid bumper sticker showing a cartoon character "peeing" on BYU or on the U of U.

I have soooo many more, but I need to save that for my next post. So now write your biggest gripes so we can all get a good laugh at what really bugs all of us!!! :)


Vanessa said...

I think I saw that float in the Riverton Town Days parade. They had to rustle up some kids in the audience to help push it down the street.

I love all your things that bug. You have seen mine already, but if you forgot, here you go:

Shannon said...

here's just a few things that bug me...(none of which will be news to you)

1) 5 stalls in the bathroom, i'm in one, and a person comes in and saddles up in the one right next to me. BUG!

2) The summer

3) People who don't want Twitch to win SYTYCD (sorry)

4) People who never change up their hairstyle.

ok that's it for now....

Kamille said...

Seriously what are they thinking with the lines at walmart. Even the self check out lines are packed. I'm with you. And who brings their kids to walmart at 11:00 p.m? And Twitch does need to win sytycd

Stephanie said...

A blog from Jaron!? When do you have time to do this? Are you doing it while you are "working"? or possibly during one of your many tv shows because we all know you are at walmart in all of your spare time...

Wow! You'd better go have a milk pop in lipstick while wearing your director badge because i just read your utah/byu post to Paul and he is on his way over...say your prayers. (unless you will be at walmart when he gets there.)

Tara Hoppie said...

Jeren, long time no see! Your BUG list is hilarious, and not at all offensive.. I hope you don't find mine offensive either :-)

1. Wal-Mart in general. Why the heck do people go to that nasty place!!!

2. People who can't see that even though Twitch is entertaining and likeable, he isn't even close to the best dancer on SYTYCD. (Sorry Twitch, I really do love you)

3. People who talk about themselves too much... that is what a BLOG is for!

4. When someone goes to the bathroom when you are on the phone with them... GROSS!!! I can tell the difference between a flush and a running sink!

Thanks Jeron, that was therepudic AND fun!

P.S. Say hi to Teresa for me. She's such a sweetie.

Tara Hoppie said...

Crap.. Sorry I spelled your name wrong on the top of my comment. Let me add one more thing to my BUG list.

5. When someone spells your name wrong, even when it is RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM!!!!

Again, I apologize.

tatum said...

oh my gosh, that is so funny! laughing, especially about the walmarts, and the coke, becuase i completely agree, but you forgot to gripe about the pharmacy at walmart, they have just as many if not more problems............why why why does this only happen there? anyway, kudoos....good luck with the convention!

Unknown said...

Jaron - so excited to see you have a blog!!! keep it up - you have lots of fans out there! :) hoping that convention went well, from all the excitement on the blogs - it seems like it was a blast, with lots of exciting news.
my hate list: 1.) people who put bumper stickers all over the back of their cars - who cares where you have been???? 2.) walmart in general - it is always messy 3.) people who drive and cut you off and then get mad at YOU - there are so many more, but don't want to take up too much more space!!!
PS: I hope that Stephanie was only kidding in her comments - she sounds mean! what does she care when you blog????? gotta stick up for my favorite SU person!!!

The Price's Wife said...
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Kim Ryden said...

Jaron! Loved your presentation on the main stage about scrapbooking! I have to get those albums now! SERIOUSLY!

Love your family as are all so cute together!

Gald to see that you have updated your blog!

Maybe you should try Target instead of Walmart?!